Statement Questions

How do I update my Statement Delivery Preference?

  1. Log onto your account (first time users must register)
  2. Under “Manage Account” select “Update Contact Info”
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and check “Yes, please email” under “Statements”
  4. Select “Submit” button

How do I view my online statement?

  1. Log onto your account (first time users must register)
  2. Select the “Statements” tab located under your account information
  3. Select the date you would like to view
  4. Select “View PDF now”

Can I download my statements?

  1. Log onto your account (first time users must register)
  2. Select the “Statements” tab locate under your account information
  3. Select the date you would like to view
  4. Select “Download as PDF”

How do I print my statements?

  1. Log onto your account (first time users must register)
  2. Select the “Statements” tab locate under your account information
  3. Select the date you would like to view
  4. Select “Download as PDF”